Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hospitality Industry---Ready and Waiting

With the economic downturn these past few years, many people decided to give themselves a rest from travelling for a year or two, keeping their wallets or purses close at hand. However, all economic downturns eventually end and with new growth and prosperity, there will be a yearning for travel by the public after a few years of ‘cabin fever’. The hospitality and travel industry will thus experience rapid expansion over the next few years. There will be 140,000 new jobs created by this rapid expansion.

There are hundreds of different jobs in a hotel. Not the same as most other industries, the hospitality industry is an industry where the top chef can be paid as much as the general manager. Still, like other industries, hospitality requires high-education and lots of work experience. At the same time, they need people who are good at dealing with the relationship with others, good at doing team work.But it is not as easy as what we may imagine to work in a hotel. A person may need to begin his or her job as a doorperson or bagperson. Then one can get promoted little by little. So no matter what a person is going to do, hard work along with training is key for the customer experience.

In summary, the hospitality industry will experience rapid growth in the next few years as the current economic downturn ends. Therefore, managers need to prepare today by hiring and training staff now to be able to accommodate these once-again travelers with the need to spend money. These hotels who stand ready will garner the coveted repeat customer if so prepared.

1 comment:

  1. Great analysis Kelly! Though it has been noted that many hotels and restaurants have been understaffed during this busy season because of previous staff cuts, do these establishments have the resources to start building up staff heading into slower tourism seasons? How do seasons effect staffing in this industry? Good job looking at trends and understanding the past/current climate of the industry. Please be sure to attach the source link in the future though!
