Thursday, October 14, 2010

Social Responsibility programs in hotel business. John Kwon

As big corporations, big players in hotel industry have tried to take their social responsibilities in their fields. Nowadays, corporations take social responsibilities not only as their duty, but also as their marketing. By taking social responsibilities, corporations often receive varieties of benefits. They get tax deductions, and they raise their reputations and values.
The methods of doing social responsibilities slightly varies depends on the companies, however, the basic concept of them are pretty similar. Most of the hotel business groups have done most of their social responsibilities focused on saving environments and eco-friendly. Examples of the social responsibilities are saving water, reduce wastes, toxins, and conserve natural resources. Some hotel companies have developed their own Eco-friendly programs and technologies, such as Kimpton hotel’s EarthCare program, which uses earth friendly products and practices throughout their whole hotel since 2005. Also, Hilton Hotel Group has its own eco-friendly program called “HER” which is Environmental Reporting Tool that was introduced in 2003. This system allows Hilton Hotels to exchange valuable environmental data about their performance and impacts between its hotels. And for Joie de Vivre hotels, they have Green Dreams program, which is to preserve the environment by educating their employees and guests.
With the eco-friendly programs, many hotel companies have taken their social responsibilities. It not only brought huge impact on environments, but also it gave customers good impressions and good reputations about the companies. And I believe this is a good way of taking responsibilities.

1 comment:

  1. Good post John. Ecofriendly/green hotels are an ever growing trend within the industry and it's important to recognize that.
