Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bedbugs Proving Problematic for Hotels

            This article addresses the issue of bedbugs in hotels, in particular the Waldorf-Astoria.  A prestigious establishment such as that one would not be expected to have bedbugs, yet two complaints have been formally filed, with patrons claiming that they suffered bug bites and were faced with infestation of their homes upon leaving the hotel.  Bedbugs are a disgusting occurrence to say the least, but it is especially troubling in the hotel industry, where expensive lawsuits and compensation to unhappy customers can lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars lost.  In this economy, it is crucial for hotels to have a solid customer base that will return and pay more money at their particular establishment.  If the hotel develops a reputation for having bedbugs, no one will want to return, meaning lost revenue and customer following.  Also, in order to ensure that the customers will not be upset and spread a negative image, the hotels must put large amounts of money into compensation for such a minimal problem. 
Bedbugs may seem like a small issue in the grand scheme of things, possibly even something to laugh at, but for hotels, these tiny critters can cost big bucks and can spread like wildfire, carrying on their backs an image that could cause permanent harm to revenue and income.  They are just a minor example of problems that can arise in the hospitality industry, and the necessity to keep customers satisfied with their stay at hotels.  If even the tiniest thing upsets a customer, that could mean losing the money they would spend, and, possibly, as in the case of the bedbugs,  facing an expensive lawsuit.


  1. I completely agree with all your arguments. It's amazing to see how a minimal issue can destroy the image of a company. However, people pay a great sum to lodge into a prestigious establishment therefore I believe that they deserve the minimum: a clean and comfortable bed without bugs.

  2. I agree with all the points that you raised and I think it's important to recognize how big of an impact a seemingly small problem may have on an entire corporation. I also think it's important to recognize that in the case of bedbugs, it may be as a result of customers. Bedbugs are a result of certain customers, and it is important for hotels to recognize the risk of having so many people stay in one place to try and avoid outbreaks.
